What Psychological Factors Influence A Great Website Design?
15 Dec 2022

To stand out from the hard-core competition, web designers have to depend on the best web design practices. At the same time, these best practices should be interacting with the human mind. Expert web designers are fully aware that the practices are to deliver more than just creating an attractive website. A long-established and quality web design company in Peterborough, Uk offers business owners expertise in the very psychology of designing a convincing website. These psychological factors subconsciously attract as well as engage the visitors.
Along with the quality images and attractive designs, the design ideas are to be taken to the next level by clearly understanding how influential are the different elements to the human psyche.
The Psychology of A Great Website Design
An experienced and good web design company ensures to include design psychology in the approaches so the site elements influence the audience towards taking specific actions. Web design psychology is all about how colours, typeface, and colours in the design create an effect on the viewer's mood. All such elements play their role with the emotional elements in the web design for delivering certain impressions to the viewers regarding the business products and services.
The elements of psychology in web design include –
1. Color
Colour usage affects the emotional reactions of the audience to a website. While blue is to promote trust and calmness, green is attached to nature and money. Orange and yellow on Call To Action buttons work out well. Black is for promoting the idea of luxury. All these colour these colours impart a feeling of action and excitement.
2. Typefaces
Different typefaces are meant for sparking different associations. Old English font connotes trust and authority, but Sans Serif fonts appear both sleek and modern. On the other hand, Comic sans promotes fun and lightheartedness. These are good for websites targeting younger minds. To determine the right website font, the website designers learn about a brand and its target audiences.
3. Contents
Audiences will better respond once they feel the facts are specifically directed to them. Personalization in digital marketing is crucial and it even applies to websites. All the personalized content speaks to the users directly and discusses their particular areas of interest proving a positive and friendly feeling to the customers that ultimately builds up trust in a brand.
4. Space
A crowded webpage feels chaotic and disorganized which causes the visitors to leave and the website encounters a bounce rate. But, the website with minimum contents and uncomplimentary design elements appears insubstantial and flimsy. So, the right mix of pleasing design and content saturation in balance help in generating positive feelings and actions from the audiences.
5. Guiding the Viewers
The website designers belonging to a smart web design company focus on creating elements on pages for guiding the readers' eyes, thereby leading them to the targeted design element. A simple yet significant guiding element is stating what are the visitors required to do. It means directly instructing the people on what should be their next course of action as they are navigating the website.
6. Understanding The Patterns
Readers have a tendency to scan pages in a "Z" pattern meaning the site's crucial elements would are required to be at the page's upper left, middle, and bottom. Websites are to be built in such a way as to accommodate thought patterns.
In order to keep the website visitors' attention, the web designers take steps for maintaining interest and leading to action; hence they fulfil all the design principles as given above. By including and leveraging colours, typefaces, space, shape and arrangements in web design – a visually appealing and effective website can be created for sending a business message.